About Us

Our Story

Growing soils, communities and futures

Regenerate Earth was established in January 2019, after having been Healthy Soils Australia since 2005. We provide soil-related solutions to inspire and support more regenerative agricultural, forestry, and urban communities.

Throughout our comprehensive networks, we guide and support leaders to find innovative ways to increase the amount of land transitioning to regenerative. Thus making make these practices accessible in Australia and worldwide.​

Phill Lee on Microphone

Phill Lee – Founder

Walter Jehne - Regenerate Earth

Walter Jehne – Co-founder & Microbiologist

Problem Solvers

Building prosperity through nature’s solutions

More and more people have become aware of the power of regenerative practices to restore health to our climate, communities, and ourselves. We share our knowledge to help those who have just started on this path and those who have been on board with these practices for some time. They have become our friends, as well as our partners.

Dealing with the challenges of today requires problem solvers who can bring different perspectives, progressive ideas and bold actions and are willing to take risks. Problem-solving is the power of our core team of hand-picked specialists we have established upon a strong foundation of knowledge and support. 

Regenerate Earth works with graziers, farmers, scientists, advocates, businesses and local, state and federal governments on industry strategies, government policies and community initiatives. We invite you to join our group and our conversation for the health and wealth of the people of this planet and, thereby, a better tomorrow for all.

Meet The Team

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regenerate Earth
Phill Lee - Founder of Regenerate Earth


Globally leading microscopic soil analyst,
formerly pioneering regenerative farmer

Phill Lee’s expertise in regenerative agriculture and soil ecology has made him an internationally recognized leader in the field. Over the past 30 years, he has combined scientific knowledge with practical application to help farmers and land managers build resilience and profitability, while reducing reliance on external inputs.

Phill’s work spans soil microbial ecology, disease management, bio-fertility, and the regeneration of degraded soils and at-risk agroecosystems, with particular focus on
horticulture, broadacre cropping and grazing operations.

As a microscopic soil analyst, Phill specializes in diagnosing soil health issues, evaluating microbial ecosystems, and designing microbial technologies to manage the natural ecology of soils. These help farmers avoid productivity impediments while also enhancing the nutritional integrity and premium health value of their products.

Phill’s impact extends to international initiatives, including his advisory role in the Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming Initiative. Originally a pioneering regenerative farmer himself, Phill remains a sought-after consultant, mentor, and trusted friend to leaders in the regenerative agriculture movement.


Walter Jehne - Microbiologist


Walter Jehne is an internationally recognised soil microbiologist and innovation strategist.

He has immense field and research experience in soils, grasslands, agriculture and forests at local, national (CSIRO and Science Adviser to Australia’s National Soil Advocate), and international (UN) level. Walter’s specialisation is the role of soil microbes’ symbiotic processes in the ecology of diseases, plant health, nutrient and waste cycling, soil pedogenesis and the regeneration of bio-systems. 

Decades of research have made him expert in plant root ecology, mycorrhizal fungi, glomalin, and soil carbon formation. He also has worked on biology’s enormous influences in hydrological cycles, weather patterns, regional and global cooling, and cloud formation and rain precipitation. Recent work has focused on commercializing leading bio-innovations which will urgently help restore agro-ecosystems and urban agriculture and ecologies. Walter is determined to advance the practical verification, application and extension of these innovations, including for cities and their supply chains, to sustain the current 8 billion and projected 10 billion people by mid-century.

Cindy Eiritz


Cindy is a humanitarian, environmentalist & rural community advocate.

As a researcher of and strategist for teams helping build longevity, profitability and resilience into farming operations, she works to catalyze new approaches to complement pioneering regenerative extension work. Her primary roles are catalyst, connector and conduit, particularly providing peer and network support. She is focused on skilled knowledge management supporting exceptional communicators to inspire lots more leaders, from the crucial single person to the 1000s.

Cindy was an inaugural delegate of Regeneration International to COP 21 where soils were brought onto the agenda for the first time. She is a Former Logistics Commander, United Nations mission East Timor. And Former advisor into the design and development of the Australian Army’s first Capability Management System.

Her passion is 365 days green cover, supporting arid land ranchers and farmers to restore regional water cycles through regenerative landscape management.


Didi Pershouse


Didi Pershouse is a skilled facilitator who travels widely in North America and Europe as a speaker, teacher, and consultant.
She brings together effective working groups with common goals: to improve soil health, public health, water security, and regional resilience through simple changes in land management. Her participatory workshops engage farmers and ranchers, policymakers, investors, and scientists in systems thinking and deep listening, thereby allowing for emergent strategies.

Didi is board chair of the Soil Carbon Coalition and founder of the Land and Leadership Initiative. She is currently working on projects with the UN-FAO Farmer Field School program; the Climate Resilient Zero Budget Natural Farming Initiative in Andhra Pradesh, India; the 4p1000 Initiative.

Stephen Curtain


Stephen is a natural sciences and ecology cinematographer (B.Ed: Environmental Science), director and editor.

He started a career with the BBC Natural History Unit in 2000 and has worked as an expedition, polar and field-safety photographer/film-maker/guide in Antarctica, Japan’s Hokkaido, Russia’s Kamchatka and Australia’s Alps and Top End; experiences that provide him with glimpses into Earth’s exquisite natural systems, their inhabitants and their interconnectedness.

After three years as assistant editor and photo-journalist for Australian-based Wild and Rock magazines in the late 1990s, Stephen began teaching outdoor and environmental education programmes with students in nature; this continues today.

Stephen visually communicates Regenerate Earth’s narratives in cinematic films such as Can Whales Cool Antarctica? and Fire vs Fungi: our choice to cool the planet naturally and in time.

Stephen’s focus is to communicate the basics of ecology from a planetary scale, through to the everyday and to the microscopic beneath our feet to empower communities everywhere, woven as a story of place/or person as beautifully and authentically as possible.

Stephen’s work is also visible at http://stephencurtain.com/

Ben Fox - Regenerate Earth

Ben Fox – Team

Ben makes things happen by wrangling ecologies, inlfuencing complex systems and tuning networks. He has a background in  agro-ecology, soil science, engineering design & cultural development; 

Ben has led organisations and projects in Australia and Asia, including regional and remote Australia. Ben also loves riding bicycles, style, and the scent of fresh rain on the soil.

Ben Fox on LinkedIn

Christopher Cooke


Christopher is committed to the recovery and regeneration of our planet Earth.

He is also aware that to achieve this will require a radical rethink of every basic assumption that underpins every Nation to release a new level of global alignment that will equip us to fulfil a worthy role in Universe.  His stated purpose is “Imagineering a Regenerative Layer”. His awareness and practice builds upon thirty-five years of directly leading, managing, mentoring and coaching beneficial strategic business development, and internal change management, across organisations and communities of all scales.

He is currently involved with the implementation of regenerative policy practices, with social and ecological outcome verification, across the food and fibre supply ecology for the UK and Europe. He also provides international, cross-sectoral, education, training, and advisory based application of Holistic Management and Integral Practice.

In the context of Holistic Management, Christopher is an accredited Field Professional, Educator and Ecological Outcome Verifier with the Savory Institute. In the context of Integral Practice Christopher has pioneered application across all sectors since 1997.

Christopher is visible through www.5Deep.net and www.3LM.network

Dr Gundi Rhoades and her dog


Dr Gundi Rhoades is a veterinarian in private mixed practice, a mother, author and (ex) cattle farmer.

Gundi’s interest in nutrition and natural systems, medicine, animal health and farming is spanning over four decades . As a veterinarian and veterinary clinic founder and owner, as well as being interested in food for health, she has witnessed first hand the increasing mental and physical diseases in the people around her.

Whilst learning about organic and regenerative farming, Dr Rhoades discovered the life underneath our feet;  its’ influence on healthy, nutrient dense food, water holding capacity, positive influence on climate, drought-proofing properties and the positive effects on biodiversity. She has studied with Elaine Ingham’s Soil food web, connecting this with her knowledge of health, disease, body and healing.

Her research into pesticides led her to believe that at this ‘ground-level’, is where the the flood of planetary and human disease and decline starts.  She also believes that regenerating soils and ecosystems through farming is a viable way to healing both people and planet.

Gundi is a firm believer that we must, and can, cool down the climate, restore ecosystems and produce healthy, un-poisoned food for all people and animals on this planet for the benefit of all and quickly.

Her book is called The Food Solution by , and her podcast is The Regenerative Vet.

Katrina Kell in the Australian Alps


Katrina is interested in the environment and sustainable farming for the health of the community and the planet. Working in women’s health with a background in education, Katrina values community relationships and sharing with people what she loves and is interested in (art and nature!).

She is an artist living in rural Victoria and her ceramics are inspired by nature with parts left unglazed, literally connecting a person to the earth as they hold each piece. She is interested in what helps people feel connected to our earth and what inspires change in herself and others. After travelling extensively, Katrina earned a Masters Degree in Teaching and from her experience in the classroom, enjoys creating safe spaces for people to explore new ways of thinking and being.

I love sharing Regenerate Earth information with people and what I understand so far about the soil sponge and its role in our climate. Not only is it accurate but endlessly fascinating and really positive for the future of our planet.’

Evelyn Lee Collin (Ev) </p>
<p>Community Engagement and Events Specialist<br />
Ev is a passionate community builder and dynamic facilitator with a focus on regional revitalisation through regenerative and inclusive food systems. Since 2014, she has worked extensively in Western Australia’s agri-food sector, delivering a range of events that bring together diverse stakeholders to strengthen local economies and foster collaboration.


Community Engagement and Events Specialist 

Ev is a passionate community builder and dynamic facilitator with a focus on regional revitalisation through regenerative and inclusive food systems. Since 2014, she has worked extensively in Western Australia’s agri-food sector, delivering a range of events that bring together diverse stakeholders to strengthen local economies and foster collaboration.

A skilled connector, Ev thrives in mobilising passionate individuals and organisations around shared goals, translating world-leading research and best practices into real, community-driven action. With a strong commitment to youth, First Nations, and broader community engagement, Ev is dedicated to ensuring that all voices are heard and included in decision-making processes. Her expertise lies in identifying community assets and building partnerships that empower local communities to take action toward a future they collectively envision.

Originally from Walyalup/Fremantle, Ev now lives in Kinjalring/Albany on the South Coast of Western Australia with her family, where she continues to champion regenerative food systems and community-focused projects. Her work remains focused on creating healthy, equitable food systems that not only support regional economies but also foster resilience and inclusivity within local communities.


Learn More About What We Do

For Effective & Restorative Change To Save Planet Earth


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